The next Brigitte Gedek Prize will be awarded in 2025.
The Brigitte and Wolfram Gedek-Foundation (Brigitte und Wolfram Gedek-Stiftung) was founded in 2009. The foundation supports scientists who dedicated their research to the field of mycology and mycotoxinology.
The Society for Mycotoxin Research awards the Brigitte Gedek Science Prize for outstanding scientific achievements in the area of mycotoxicology on a biennial basis since 2000, with the generous support from Prof. Dr. Brigitte Gedek (formerly Professor for Bacteriology and Mycology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany).
The prize is endowed with 10,000 Euro, further emphasizing the outstanding importance of this honour in the field of life sciences.
The Brigitte Gedek Science Prize is scheduled again for 2023 Applications can only be made by a member of the
Society for Mycotoxin Research (unsolicited applications are not accepted).
Former prize winners
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